
Cinépolis Chelsea
Saturday, Oct. 14 10:30pm
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In This Program
La Monte Edwards / USA / 19 mins
Deep in the San Fernando Valley, 3,000 miles from the bright lights of Broadway, Foster struggles to finish writing his latest musical.
We All We Got
Carlos Javier Ortiz / 9 mins
We All We Got captures the poetic language of the streets: police helicopters flying over the city, music pooping out of cars, people talking smack on street corners, ambulances on the run and preachers hollering for the violence to stop after another young man is senselessly gunned down in the streets of Chicago.In this necessary documentary, Ortiz explores the consequences and devastation of youth violence in Chicago, IL.
Elevated Remedies
Andre J. Ray / USA / 15 mins
A man on the brink of suicide reconsiders his decision when he looks out the window and sees another man about to jump.
The Night Shift
Marshall Tyler / USA / 16 mins
Olly, an on-again off-again actor whose career has stagnated over the years, ends up gigging as a bathroom attendant at “The Fix,” an LA nightclub where the money comes easy as long as Olly is “invisible.”
Bobby Yan / USA / 12 mins
A young rapper on the brink of success must come to terms with himself after a one night encounters with his best friends, which stirs up emotions and feelings he never knew he had. Childhood memories collide with the present as he is now faced with the difficult positions of following his heart or running away.
Dates & Times
Cinépolis Chelsea
Saturday, Oct. 14 10:30pm
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