Short Documentary Program

Short Documentary Program
Julia De Burgos Performance and Arts Center
Thursday, Oct. 12 6:00pm
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Short Documentary Program
Cinépolis Chelsea
Friday, Oct. 13 4:00pm
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In This Program
Capoeira In Our Lives
Patricia C. Ovando / USA / 20 mins
True to its title, this documentary proves a passionate and, at times humorous, exploration of the role of capoeira in the lives of its practitioners. The Brazilian martial art has touched the hearts of a growing number of people around the world, and in doing so has challenged preconceived notions of gender as women continue to take on important roles and gain international recognition.
Alan Dominguez / USA / 32 mins
With gang violence a popular topic amongst media pundits and politicians, this short documentary proves a powerful counterpoint- exposing the life and work of Gerardo Lopez (a.k.a. Clever), a Denver-based gang interventionist. Formerly of the notorious MS13 from Los Angeles, Clever details his escape from gang life, his work keeping at-risk youth from making the same mistakes, and his extraordinary tale of survival once he made the decision to extricate himself and his family from the negative influences of his past.
Sununú: The Love Revolution
Olivia Crellin / Equador / 25 mins
This is the true story of how a transgender family in Ecuador became an international news sensation when the father gave birth.
Dates & Times
Short Documentary Program
Julia De Burgos Performance and Arts Center
Thursday, Oct. 12 6:00pm
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Short Documentary Program
Cinépolis Chelsea
Friday, Oct. 13 4:00pm
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