Directed by René Pérez Joglar
Julia De Burgos Performance and Arts Center
Thursday, Oct. 12 8:00pm
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How did a struggling artist become the founder of Latin America’s most influential alternative rap group, Calle 13, and go on to become one of the region’s most outspoken critics of injustice and corruption? Why, at the peak of the group’s success, did Rene Perez (a.k.a. Residente) leave the group to embark on a global adventure, to trace the footsteps of his ancestors and record his latest album? Music guides Residente’s genetic, cinematic, and creative journey of self-discovery, framing each destination and informing every conversation- be it with the indigenous tribes that first crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia to to America, the victims of war in Georgia, Armenia and South Ossetia, the exiles of West Africa or the aspiring artists of Beijing.
Producer: Marc de Beaufort
Dates & Times
Julia De Burgos Performance and Arts Center
Thursday, Oct. 12 8:00pm
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